HomeHealthHow to Get rid of Dandruff Naturally - Home Remedies & Treatment

How to Get rid of Dandruff Naturally – Home Remedies & Treatment

Do you suffer from an itchy and flaky scalp caused due to dandruff? Do you want to know what dandruff is and how to get rid of it? If so, kindly read this article. In this article, we are going to discuss what dandruff is, how to get rid of dandruff, and the home remedies for dandruff. 

how to get rid of dandruff

Before tht, do the natural remedies for dandruff really work, or are they just another myth? Kindly read on to find out. 

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What is dandruff? What causes dandruff? Why do I have so much Dandruff? 

Dandruff is a skin condition in which our scalp becomes itchy and flaky. There will be small white flakes present on our scalp. Sometimes, dandruff may cause redness and swelling of the skin. Such a severe condition is known as Seborrhoeic Dermatitis

how to get rid of dandruff

Many factors can cause dandruff. Some of them are:

  • Poor personal hygiene.
  • Oily skin and not shampooing regularly.
  • A yeast-like fungus called Malassezia that feeds on the excess oil on our scalp. 
  • People who have oily skin usually have both dandruff and acne but it’s not always the case. Some people may have excess oil on their faces, leading to acne. Some people may have excess oil on their scalp, leading to dandruff.  
  • Sometimes, when you scratch your scalp, dandruff on your scalp may fall on your cheeks and cause acne (due to oily skin and clogging of the pores). In such rare cases, dandruff causes acne. If you have dandruff or acne or both kindly consult and follow the advice of a trichologist. 
  • Allergic to certain hair care products. This is called Contact Dermatitis. 
  • Other skin diseases like psoriasis and eczema can also cause dandruff.

If one has oily skin, one must shampoo regularly to prevent the occurrence of dandruff. One must also avoid the hair care products one is allergic to. In case, you are suffering from psoriasis or eczema, kindly consult a trichologist and follow the prescribed remedies. 

Does dandruff cause pimples or acne? Are dandruff and hair loss directly related? 

People who have dandruff may also have acne but the causes for dandruff are not the same as acne. Let us see why. You might be surprised to know this but our scalp produces a natural hair oil known as sebum.

how to remove dandruff

When there is excess sebum on our scalp, a fungus called Malassezia Globosa, consumes it and metabolizes it. A waste product called Oleic Acid is excreted by the fungus. Many people (more than 50% of the world’s population) are sensitive to the Oleic Acid that is excreted and develop dandruff. 

Acne occurs when excess oil is produced by our skin and its pores get clogged by dirt and dust. Acnes are red, swollen lumps of skin. Acne may also cause a bacterial infection. 


What are the signs and symptoms of dandruff? Are there any risk factors to having dandruff?

Dandruff shows some unmistakable telltale signs. They are:

home remedies for dandruff

  • White flakes on the shoulders, which become very visible when dark clothing is worn. 
  • An itchy scalp.
  • Eczema on the ears.
  • Sometimes, rashes on the eyebrows and beard.
  • Sometimes, rashes on the chests with red spots. 

Risk factors of dandruff

Getting dandruff does cause certain skin health issues. They are:

  • Red and swollen skin.
  • Scaly patches on your skin.
  • Stubborn dandruff.
  • Dandruff spreads to other parts of your body like the sides of your nose, ears, cheeks, and chests. 

All these severe symptoms are caused by aggravation of dandruff known as seborrheic dermatitis.

Why is dandruff said to be more common in men? What are the foods that can mitigate dandruff troubles?

It has been scientifically proven that male hormones like Testosterone and Androstenedione cause and aggravate dandruff in men but they do so only to a small extent. There are other main factors that cause and aggravate dandruff in men. They are:

dandruff remedies

1. Oily scalp

When there is excess sebum production by the scalp, it gets accumulated on the scalp and a fungus called Malassezia Globosa feasts on it. It excretes Oleic Acid as a waste product. Most of the men (than women) are sensitive to this acid and hence, develop dandruff. 

Sometimes Malassezia Globosa can cause the cells on men’s scalps to grow at an abnormal rate and cause scalp psoriasis.

2. Poor hair care and personal hygiene

Not washing your hair regularly allows for the accumulation of dirt and dust on your scalp. Dirt and dust enhance the growth of Malassezia Globosa, thus aggravating dandruff. 

The foods that can help reduce dandruff are:

3. Bananas

Bananas are a rich source of Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Magnesium, and protein. These components regulate sebum production and help control dandruff. 

home remedies for dandruff


Chickpeas are rich in Vitamin B6 and Zinc. They moisturize the scalp and reduce the itching sensation on the scalp. Thus, chickpeas reduce the symptoms of dandruff and prevent the spread of dandruff.

how to get rid of dandruff 

5. Garlic

Garlic has anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal properties. It prevents the occurrence of scaly patches on the scalp and skin. It also prevents the redding and swelling of the skin. 

dandruff remedies

It also kills the fungus, Malassezia Globosa, responsible for causing and aggravating dandruff and scalp psoriasis. In short, it’s an all-in-one remedy for dandruff problem and scalp psoriasis.

6. Whole Grains

Whole grains contain gluten which moisturizes the scalp and curtails the symptoms of dandruff

home remedies for dandruff

7. Ginger Tea

Ginger tea is rich in many different vitamins and minerals which kill Malassezia Globosa, responsible for causing and aggravating dandruff and scalp psoriasis. Once the root cause of dandruff is eliminated, it’s just a question of washing dandruff away. 

natural remedies for dandruff

What are the best home remedies for dandruff? 9 Home Remedies That Works

Now, let us have a look at the home remedies for dry scalp. These home remedies are cost-effective but effective. They get rid of dandruff within a few days. They are:

dandruff remedies

1. Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil has anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties. It eradicates Malassezia Globosa, responsible for causing and aggravating dandruff and scalp psoriasis. It also prevents the occurrence of scaly patches on the skin and swelling of the skin. In short, it eradicates the root cause of dandruff and the symptoms of dandruff.

how to get rid of dandruff

2. Coconut oil

Coconut oil moisturizes the scalp, thereby reducing dandruff. It also reduces the itching sensation and swelling of the skin caused by dandruff. Coconut oil has antimicrobial properties but its effectiveness against Malassezia Globosa is yet to be proven. 

home remedies for dandruff

3. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera moisturizes the skin, thereby reducing dandruff. It has antibacterial and antifungal properties and has been proven to kill Malassezia Globosa. Thus Aloe Vera eradicates the root cause of dandruff and curtails its symptoms.

home remedies for dandruff

4. Reduce your stress levels

I know that you’re thinking, “Seriously?” Research has shown that stress does not directly cause dandruff but it causes the drying of the scalp thereby aggravating itchiness and dandruff. So, keeping yourself relaxed and happy will keep your scalp moist and reduce the chances of getting dandruff. 

dandruff remedies  

5. Apple Cider Vinegar

The apple cider vinegar dandruff treatment involves applying one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar on your scalp every shower. Apple Cider Vinegar balances the pH of the skin thus eradicating Malassezia Globosa. 

how to get rid of dandruff

If you’re using it alone, the recommended dosage is one teaspoon. If you’re mixing it with shampoo and using it, the recommended dosage is one tablespoon. Apple Cider Vinegar eradicates the root cause of dandruff.

6. Aspirin

I know that you’re thinking, “Seriously”? Research has shown that Aspirin contains Salicylic Acid. Salicylic Acid has anti-inflammatory properties. It reduces scaly patches on the scalp and the itchiness caused by dandruff. It also loosens flakes and helps remove stubborn dandruff. 

7. Omega 3 fatty acids

Omega 3 fatty acids regulate sebum production by our scalp thereby eradicating dandruff. It also reduces the itchiness and swelling of the scalp caused by dandruff. You must consume fruits and vegetables rich in Omega 3 fatty acids to reduce the level of your dandruff.

how to get rid of dandruff

8. Probiotics

Probiotics contain anti-inflammatory properties. They reduce the itchiness and swelling of the scalp caused by dandruff. Hence, they curtail the symptoms of dandruff.

9. Baking Soda

Baking Soda removes scaly patches on the scalp. It also reduces the itchiness and swelling of the scalp caused by dandruff. Thus baking soda is effective in curtailing the symptoms of dandruff. 

how to remove dandruff

You can apply baking soda as a paste to your hair. To do so, mix half a cup of baking soda with one cup of hot water and apply it to your hair. It will get rid of your dandruff in a couple of days.

When should I consult a trichologist for dandruff treatment? Are there any best treatments available?  

If you had tried all of the above-mentioned home remedies but they failed to work, you may consult a certified and reputed trichologist. After all, everyone has different hair and skin conditions that require unique treatments.

home remedies for dandruff

Generally, dandruff does not require you to consult a trichologist. It gets cured by home treatments itself. Only scalp conditions like seborrheic dermatitis, psoriasis, and eczema require you to consult a trichologist as they cannot be cured by home treatments. 


These are the best anti-dandruff shampoos to get rid of shampoos fast. According to Internet Research & Interviews.

The best dandruff treatment shampoos have active ingredients that destroy the root cause of dandruff (the fungus, Malassezia Globosa) and curtail its symptoms. These are the shampoos that satisfy those criteria worldwide:

1. Nizoral A-D Anti-dandruff shampoo

Nizoral contains the active ingredient, ketoconazole, which has antifungal properties. It kills the fungus, Malassezia Globosa, responsible for causing and aggravating dandruff. It also loosens flakes and gets rid of stubborn dandruff. The recommended dosage is one teaspoon of Nizoral per shower. 

dandruff remedies  

2. Redken dandruff control shampoo

This anti-dandruff shampoo contains the active ingredient, zinc pyrithione, which gives you a soft and shiny hair and moisturizes your scalp. It is effective in curtailing the symptoms of dandruff. 

dandruff remedies  

3.Neutrogena T/Gel

This shampoo is not only effective at eradicating dandruff but also other scalp conditions like seborrheic dermatitis, psoriasis, and eczema. It has zinc pyrithione as its main ingredient, which has antifungal properties. 

It destroys Malassezia Globosa, responsible for causing and aggravating dandruff. It relieves the itching sensation caused by dandruff and also has anti-inflammatory properties. It also gets rid of scaly patches on the scalp and inflamed scalp. 

It also loosens flakes and gets rid of stubborn dandruff. It’s an all-in-one anti-dandruff shampoo in my opinion. 

4. Selsun Blue Medicated Maximum Strength Dandruff Shampoo

This is quite an old brand of shampoo. It has Selenium Sulfide as its main ingredient. Selenium Sulfide has antifungal properties and kills the fungus Malassezia Globosa, responsible for scalp infections like dandruff and scalp psoriasis. 

This shampoo also contains menthol which reduces the itchiness caused by dandruff. It also loosens flakes and gets rid of stubborn dandruff.

5. Phyto Dandruff Treatment Shampoo

This shampoo has many ingredients that have antifungal properties. They eradicate the fungus, Malassezia Globosa and hence, dandruff. This shampoo loosens flakes and gets rid of stubborn dandruff. It also moisturizes and nourishes the scalp. This shampoo can also repair damaged hair and split ends.



Whenever you are faced with a dandruff problem, try the home remedies first as they are both effective and cost-effective. If they fail to achieve the desired results, then consult a certified and reputed trichologist

After all, everybody has different hair and scalp composition, which require unique care. Whenever you are buying shampoo, always opt for globally reputed brands as they have been proven effective at eradicating dandruff. 

People also ask

1. What are the most common causes of dandruff?

Oily skin and poor personal hygiene are the most common causes of dandruff.

2. Are dandruff and dry scalp one and the same?

No, they are not the same skin condition but they have the same symptoms. Dandruff is caused by Oleic Acid excretion by Malassezia Globosa. When you have a dry scalp, the dried, white skin falls off, which looks similar to dandruff. 

3. Does dandruff cause hair loss?

Dandruff clogs the pores, cutting off air and nutrient supply to the hair follicles, thus weakening them. It also causes scratching, which ultimately leads to hair fall. 

4. Does stress cause dandruff?

Stress weakens our body’s ability to fight against Malassezia Globosa, thus increasing our chances of getting dandruff.

5. How to reduce nettle rash in the skull skin?

Hibiscus flowers and leaves are the best for the treatment of nettle rash. Hibiscus flowers and leaves are treated as best for the treatment of dandruff.

6. What causes dandruff and itchy hair?

The prime cause of dandruff is eczema which is caused by a fungus known as Pityriasis.

7. What is a real cure for dandruff?

I think a healthy routine is the best way in controlling dandruff.

Eating proper balanced diet, not applying gels and sprays on the hairs, using the natural way of applying oil or egg paste on the hair are one of the best ways for controlling dandruff.

8. How to remove dandruff permanently?

Dandruff cannot be removed permanently. There are no chemicals that can remove it completely. It can only be controlled. Following a proper healthy routine is the best way to control it.

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Ishwar Deep
Ishwar Deephttp://ishwardeep.com
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