HomeHealthSneezing Solutions: How to Stop Sneezing and Find Relief

Sneezing Solutions: How to Stop Sneezing and Find Relief

We are sure you might have heard back-to-back songs, but what about back-to-back sneezes? What happened to you? Watery eyes, unlimited and unstoppable sneezing, and running nose at times. 

Here’s how to stop this unstoppable sneezing. These sequential sneezes might be the resultant of some foreign element that has triggered your nasal chamber or some allergen that you are unaware about.


Let’s assume you are sitting in an auditorium filled with an audience, or in a business meeting where you are next in line for a presentation, and you get a series of sequential sneezes. Embarrassing right? 

We are here to save you from such humiliating situations. Here are some of the ways by which you can stop sneezing one after another.

The Causes 

Before starting with the cures, let’s take a brief look at the causes. The cause could be as small as a pollen allergy or as big as certain body conditions. Let’s take a look at them one by one.

  1. Pollen, dust, smoke aka Allergens: Micro pollutants present in the air can cause severe allergy in a person which might lead to sequential sneezing. Sneezing is the natural response of the body to get rid of the alien elements that might have entered the body. pollen-grain Hay fever is usually caused by to inhalation of pollen grains. According to research by the American Academy of Allergy Asthma and Immunology, pollen allergy is a common allergy in the world population. According to a page on YouTube that offers personalized treatment with professional allergy specialist doctors, a video explains why you can’t stop sneezing.wyndly
  2. Common Flu: The transitioning seasons are the most favorable time for the spread of common flu. Common flu is characterized by a runny nose, and continuous sneezing accompanied by a rise in the body temperature. 
  3. Irritants/ Triggering elements: Exposure to a strong fragrance, smoke, volatile compounds and pollution can trigger our nose which leads to a series of sneezes. 
  4. Spices: Certain spices that are used for adding flavors to your food can cause irritation to your nasal chamber. You might have encountered this while cooking. It is a common phenomenon that occurs in our day-to-day life. 

The Mechanism of The Body

Whenever a foreign particle enters our nasal chamber, or some other simulations can end up making us sneeze and wheeze. This is our body’s natural response to the entry of any foreign element inside the nasal passage. 

The mechanism is infused with numerous small and complex steps which are coordinated by our brain. 

This complex mechanism starts with the detection of the foreign particle in the nasal chamber. This stimulates the Trigeminal Nerve which in turn activates the sneezing center activation. 

The brain then triggers the involvement of various muscles with a huge inhalation of air. It also closes the Glottis, which prevents the air from escaping through the mouth. The sudden exhalation of air causes the sudden closure of the eyes. This expulsion clears the nasal chamber and the body then returns to its normal state.

How To Stop It? 

Now that we have already discussed the causes and mechanisms, let’s explore some ways to stop sneezing. 

  1. Identify and stay away from the allergens: Identifying the causes can help you avoid these fits of sneezes. There can be various agents that trigger your nasal chamber. Staying away or avoiding them can be the best solution.  Identifying the allergens can be tricky at times. For a quick fix, let’s review some other ways to stop these fits.
  2. Touching your nose with your upper lip: As funny as it might sound, it is a very effective way to stop sneezing. Try touching your nose with your upper lip. It can help you stimulate the area which will help with stopping the sequential sneezes.
  3. Use your tongue to tickle the roof of your mouth: Tickling the roof of your mouth with the help of your tongue proves to be a very effective way to stop sneezing.
  4. Focus on something else: Tricking the brain to shift focus from sneezing to anything else can stop these fits. The brain is primarily responsible for sneezing, so shifting its focus can help.
  5. Use your mouth to breathe: Breathing through your mouth can help you get away with these stubborn sequential sneezes.
  6. Applying pressure to your nostrils: Pinching your nostrils or applying pressure stops the expulsion of air while sneezing. This will stop the sneeze fits.
  7. Slow breathing technique: This breathing technique can calm down the body and thus offer relief.
  8. Saline Nasal spray: These sprays moisturize the walls of the nasal chamber thus protecting it from drying it up. After this, the person won’t feel any more triggered and no more sneezing fits.saline-nasal-spray
  9. Blow your nose: Blowing your nose will help you get rid of the foreign particles that might be residing in your nasal passage. It will also help you get rid of any mucous build-up.blow-your-nose

How To Protect Yourself?

Here’s a quick guide on how you can protect yourself from these fits of sneeze.

  1. Hygiene and cleanliness: Keeping your environment clean and dust-free at all times will prove to be helpful as it will be free from any allergens that might trigger your reflexes. 
  2. Avoiding strong fragrances: Strong fragrances are the most common causes that cause a person to sneeze unstoppably. Avoiding these can help you.
  3. Keeping your nasal chamber moist: Dry nasal walls are more likely to cause irritation. Using air humidifiers is a good investment to keep them moist.
  4. Air purifiers: Air purifiers filter out even the smallest particles present in the air that might cause a trigger. It also gets rid of potential allergens or pollen present in the air.
  5. Avoid the contact of hands to your face: Touching your face with dirty hands might lead to a flu or infection. Always remember to wash your hands before touching your face.
  6. Maintain a safe distance from someone who is coughing or wheezing: The germs can infect you through the air. To avoid this, always maintain a safe distance from someone who might be a potential carrier of these germs.

What Do Doctors Suggest?

Even though these fits are usually a reflex to something that is temporarily entering the body and can be ejected by sneezing sometimes these can be a symptom of some underlying body ailment. 

One should never ignore these symptoms if they are recurring and frequent. They might be a sign to something more than just a reflex. It is always a good choice to see a doctor. Some of the underlying reasons could be:

  1. Hay Fever: Medically known as Allergic Rhinitis, is usually caused due to pollen allergy.
  2. Medication: Drugs that affect the working of Histamine usually cause such fits which comes as a side effect.
  3. Nasal polyps: These are noncancerous outgrowth that triggers the nose to sneeze. These can be treated and removed surgically by medical professionals.
  4. Chronic sinusitis: Sinus is a common respiratory ailment that causes frequent and sequential sneezing. Treatment from a doctor is highly recommended.
  5. Neurological factors: “Sneezing epilepsy” is a neurological disorder that makes a person sneeze excessively.


Sneezing is a common reflex to the entry of unwanted elements into the body. One should not suppress the sneeze all the time. All these ways should only be applied when it is absolutely necessary. 

Prolonged, excessive, and frequent sneeze fits should be dealt with after a consultation by a medical professional.


  • Can blocking a sneeze be dangerous?

While sneezing, tremendous pressure is released, which can damage the eardrums. Although it is not very common, it is possible.

  • Can we sneeze with our eyes open?

Yes, it is possible to sneeze with your eyes open.

  • Is sneezing the precursor to the flu?

Continuous sneezing may or may not be followed by the flu.

  • Can black pepper cause sneeze fits?

Yes, black pepper is very likely to cause sneeze fits.

  • Should I take medication to stop sneezing?

No, sneezing can stop in some time. Medicine should not be taken without the recommendation of a doctor.

  • Is it okay to cover the mouth while sneezing?

Always remember to cover your mouth while sneezing.

  • Is it normal to get watery eyes and runny noses while sneezing?

Yes, it is normal to get watery eyes and a runny nose.


Ishwar Deep
Ishwar Deephttp://ishwardeep.com
Head of Content @ Whitedust (or, in plain English), I'm the guy responsible for ensuring that every blog post we publish is EPIC.

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