HomeHealthEverything You Need To Know About An Infected Nipple Piercing – Causes,...

Everything You Need To Know About An Infected Nipple Piercing – Causes, Symptoms, Treatments

Treat Your Infected Nipple Piercing Now And Get Rid of The Piercing Pain.


I’m sure you have your opinion on the obsession of nipple piercing, they once have a pretty bad reputation. It might be that the thought of getting a nipple piercings makes you shudder or you already have one or maybe you want one in the future. 

infected nipple piercing

The nipple piercing trend started gaining traction through stars like Rihanna, Bella Hadid, and Kendall Jenner. Like everything else, even nipple piercing has pros and cons, and one such con is an infected nipple piercing!  

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What are the signs and symptoms of an infected nipple piercing? Does it pain when it is infected?

Every coin has two sides. While nipple piercing does make you look sexy and makes you feel aroused most of the time, there is also a risk of infection associated with nipple piercing. Nipple piercing pain depends on the person, make sure the procedure is done safely. 

If your nipple piercing turns infectious, you will experience the following symptoms

  • Swollen nipples and redness in and around the pierced area.
  • The pierced area will feel extremely painful, even when touched gently.
  • You will experience a burning sensation in and around the pierced area.
  • A foul-smelling yellowish, greenish, or brownish pus will ooze out from the pierced area.
  • Rashes will spread from your nipples throughout your body.
  • You will experience aches in various parts of your body.
  • You will experience frequent fevers.
  • You will feel tired often. 

Nipple piercing


If you experience any of the above symptoms shortly after getting your nipples pierced, you should consult a doctor immediately. Failure to do so may cause deadly diseases like TB, AIDS, E-Coli, etcetera. 

Infections can occur after nipple piercing if you have used a metal (for piercing) that is toxic or that you are allergic to. Not washing your hands and touching your pierced area is another common cause of nipple piercing infections. 


Can nipple piercings cause cancer? According to Internet Research & Interviews.

Nipple piercing is becoming ever more popular among teenage girls. Since nipple piercing turns infectious quite a few times, there is a growing rumour that nipple piercing causes cancer.

Unless one uses Nickel for nipple piercing, one cannot get cancer through nipple piercing. Nickel is a known carcinogen and causes blood cancer on prolonged contact with the skin. Nipple piercing, however, can cause the following health issues.

  • Infections.
  • Abscesses (it is a condition where painful lumps of pus develop under the pierced nipple/skin).
  • Diseases like TB, E-Coli, AIDS, etcetera (a rare occurrence).

What are the side effects of a nipple piercing? (male and female)

The nipple is one of the sensitive parts of your body irrespective of male or female and it needs to be taken care of. Nipple piercing is more of a self-inflicted wound that will start healing as soon as it happens.

Nipple piercings


Sometimes, the healing process might ensue such side effects that are painful and unusual for nipple piercing infection     

It ranges from redness to small discharges. Sometimes nipple piercing may also cause hematomas at the part of insertion. These are nothing but cysts full of blood that needs medical attention like drainage.


Signs and symptoms related to infected nipple piercing –

One of the common side effects of getting nipples pierced is an infection, it is obvious when lots of pus is coming from the place of insertion.

Some of the other subtle side effects are-

  • Foul smell 😬
  • Swelling and redness
  • Extremely to touch or sensitivity at the most
  • The place of the piercing may feel hot
  • Rashes sound the area
  • Odd discharge
  • Body aches
  • Fever and fatigue

Does discharge from a nipple piercing automatically mean that it is infected? Is it normal for nipple piercings to pus?

A discharge from your pierced nipples does not necessarily imply that your nipples are infected. Whether your nipples are infected or not, depends on the color of the discharge.  

nipple piercing healing


Some people get a white fluid or crust oozing out from their nipples, a few days after piercing. This fluid is called lymph fluid and is a sign that their nipples are healing. It does not indicate any kind of infection or disease. 

However, if the discharge from the pierced nipples is reddish, yellowish, greenish, or brownish in color and is foul-smelling, it indicates an infection. In that case, you must consult a doctor immediately to prevent incurring deadly diseases like TB, AIDS, etcetera. 


What are the treatments available for an infected nipple piercing? 4 Home remedies that work fast.

There are quite a few simple home remedies to treat infected nipples. They are: 

nipple piercing infection


1. Wash the infected area with antimicrobial soap and water

Very often, infections in pierced nipples are caused by microbes such as bacteria, viruses, and other microscopic parasites. They enter our pierced nipples via contact with unclean objects or skin.  

Antimicrobial soaps eliminate the microbes responsible for nipple infections and thus prevent the occurrence of major diseases like TB, E-Coli, etcetera.

Try to use soaps that don’t have an added fragrance like rose, lavender, etcetera as they’ll be more effective in eradicating microbes and ward off nipple piercing infection.

2. Apply a warm compress to your infected nipples

Warm water kills most of the microbes responsible for your nipple infection. Soak a towel in warm water and gently press it against your pierced nipples for 30 minutes as it will be more effective than pouring warm water on your skin.

Also, do not rub the towel against your skin harshly. It will only worsen your infection and cause skin damage. 

3. Pour rock saltwater over your infected nipples

Rock salt is another excellent destroyer of germs. It has antimicrobial properties in high concentrations.

To apply saltwater on your infected nipples: take off your tops (and bra), dissolve one tablespoon of rock salt in a glass of water, invert it over your infected nipples and press it tightly against your skin to prevent leakage of saltwater.  

Hold this position for 30 minutes and then dispose of the saltwater. Then gently clean your chest with a clean towel.

4. Wear loose clothing 

Wearing tight clothing will damage your nipples and piercing when you take it off. It will also cause bacteria, born out of your sweat, to infect your pierced nipples. That can lead to dangerous diseases if left untreated. 

How should one care for newly pierced nipples? Will antibiotics help a piercing infection?

There are some dos and don’ts that you must follow after you have had your nipples pierced. They are:

nipple piercing healing



  • Avoid stressing yourself out and try to get enough sleep at night. This will strengthen your immune system and make it more equipped to fight against infections caused by nipple piercing. 
  • Wear loose clothing so that you don’t damage your nipples and incur harmful bacteria via your sweat. 
  • Wash your newly pierced nipples with saltwater and antibacterial soap every day for 30 minutes to get rid of harmful microbes and to wash away any oozing lymph or crust. 



  • Do not consume excess alcohol, aspirin, or caffeine during the first two months after piercing. They will all thin your blood, making it hard for your body to clot open wounds and nipple rings infected. 
  • Do not smoke at all. Nicotine again makes it hard for your body to clot open wounds. It degrades the efficiency of the fibrinogen pigment, responsible for clotting blood. It also paves the way for harmful bacteria to enter your body. 
  • Do not go for a swim in swimming pools. Harmful bacteria in the pools can infect your nipples and your entire body from there. 
  • Only use antibacterial soaps while bathing. Applying harsh chemical soaps on your newly pierced nipples may cause an infection and skin damage.
  • Bathe with salt water every day to further eliminate harmful bacteria and microbes that cause infections.  
  • Do not allow anyone to touch your nipples or the metal used for piercing as their unclean hands could infect your nipples.
  • Do not sleep with your chest facing your bed. When you turn, you will likely tear your nipples (part of it) and damage the metal used for piercing. Harmful bacteria may enter your body through open wounds. You might not notice your wound until too late (the infection has spread). 
  • Do not apply OTC ointments, oils, balms, or creams on your infected nipples. They can trap harmful bacteria and make your infection worse. 
  • They may also contain harmful chemicals that damage your skin or your body in some way. If you feel that you need to apply an antibiotic cream, consult a doctor first. 
  • Do not change your metal piercing without consulting an expert. You could end up using a metal that is toxic or a metal that you are allergic to. They will only cause an infection if used. 

Does a bump on nipple piercing mean it’s infected? According to Scientific Study & Research.

If you find bumps on your nipples, it does not necessarily mean that it’s infected. Most bumps are harmless and only a temporary allergic reaction to nipple piercing. However, there is one type of bump that you should be aware of. It is called Abscesses.

Abscesses are a skin condition in which lumps of pus form under one’s skin. It mostly occurs in women, especially when they have had their nipples pierced. The symptoms of Abscesses are redness, swelling, and frequent bleeding from one’s nipples. If you experience the symptoms of Abscesses, consult a doctor immediately. 


Nipple piercing

How do I prevent my recently closed nipple piercing from getting infected? How long does it take for a nipple piercing infection to heal?

Once you have had your nipples pierced, you should be extra careful not to get a nipple piercing infection.

nipple piercing healing


Given below are the measures that you can take to prevent a nipple infection

  • Every day, take a bath only with antibacterial soaps. Do not use commercial soaps that contain chemicals that will be harsh on your skin. They will only cause skin damage and aggravate nipple infections if present. 
  • Specialized, plain antibacterial soaps are available in medical stores. They will destroy the germs responsible for causing nipple (or any other) infections. 
  • If you see white crusty stuff around your nipple piercing, wash it off with lukewarm water. It could lead to infections if allowed to accumulate. While crust is dried lymph fluid. It is a sign that your nipples are healing from their piercing. 
  • After you take a bath or after you wash your nipples, dry them with paper towels. Do not use regular towels as their thread can get caught between your piercings and wreak havoc on your skin. 
  • Take a saltwater bath or rinse your nipples with saltwater as discussed previously. This will destroy all the germs that cause nipple infections.
  • Wear loose clothing (and bra) so that you don’t tear off your piercing while removing your clothes.


Now, let’s talk about nipple piercing healing. The nipple piercing healing time varies from person to person. It ranges from one week to a month. Young people heal faster than old or middle-aged people. It also depends on the severity of the infection. Severe infections like Abscesses take a longer time to heal than ordinary infections.

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What are the things you must avoid while treating nipple infection? Here is the Checklist.

You must not do the following things while treating a nipple infection as they would only aggravate the infection. They are:

nipple piercing infection


  • You must not drink alcohol (in any form) or smoke cigarettes or pot. They contain chemicals like ethanol and nicotine that increase the time taken to heal wounds. 
  • Ethanol and nicotine degrade the efficiency of the fibrinogen pigment, responsible for clotting blood outside the body. 
  • Do not allow other people to touch your infected nipples or your piercings. Their unclean hands will only aggravate your infection and your infection could also spread to them if they touch your infected nipples or piercings. So this is a strict “No!”
  • When you see white crust around your pierced nipples, do not rub your chest with your hands. This might tear off your piercings and cause you a lot of pain. Instead, pour lukewarm water over your nipples and wash the white crust off. 
  • Do not apply commercially available soaps while taking a bath. The chemicals in them will be harsh on your skin. They will also clog your piercing, further aggravating your infection. 
  • Do not go for late-night parties as your body needs lots of rest to heal from the piercing. Your body treats your piercing just like any other wound and needs time to heal it. Sleeping provides that time.
  • Do not change your piercing while your wound is still healing. The new metal may be toxic or maybe something that you’re allergic to. Changing the piercing metal while your nipples are still healing will only cause infections. 
  • Do not attach a fancy chain or any other jewelry item to your piercing rings until your piercing heals. Attaching such items will open the wound even further and aggravate your infection. 

Always consult an expert like your piercer or a doctor before changing your piercing metal.

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When females should avoid nipple piercing?

Females should avoid getting nipples pierced while pregnant. Even though it is fine to breastfeed with a nipple piercing, it’s better not to get it while pregnant. 

And most piercers will not even pierce the nipples during this sensitive bonding time considering it takes almost 12 months for the part to heal.

If you are thinking about having your nipples pierced and you have the desire to have a baby as well, then try it one year before you’re ready to expect a baby. It’s fine to pierce after having the baby and going through postpartum healing too.


When to see your doctor about infected nipple piercing? What to expect from your doctor?

You must consult a doctor regarding infected nipple piercing if you display any of the following symptoms. The infected nipple piercing symptoms are: 

female nipple piercing


  • Swelling and redness around your nipples.
  • Even when you touch your nipples gently, you feel an enormous amount of pain.
  • There is a constant burning sensation around your nipples.
  • There is a foul-smelling yellowish, greenish, or brownish liquid oozing out from your nipples. 
  • There are rashes spreading from your nipples throughout your body. 
  • You experience body aches after your nipple piercing often. 
  • You feel tired after your nipple piercing often. 

Your doctor will most likely give you some antibacterial cream, injection or tablets to cure your nipple infection. However, if you have Abscesses, a surgery to remove the pus may be required. 


The Bottom Line

Getting your nipples pierced does have its advantages. It makes you look sexy and it makes you feel aroused most of the time. However, all this glamour comes with risks. If you use toxic metals (like Arsenic, Cadmium or Chromium) for piercing, they could cause diseases and even death. 

Using metals that you are allergic to for piercing will cause infections, redness, and swelling among other undesirable symptoms. So kindly be very careful about which metal you use for piercing. 

Take the necessary precautions to prevent infections after nipple piercing. Do not do things that invite germs after you’ve got your nipples pierced. Always wear loose clothing for two months after getting your nipples pierced to avoid any damage to your nipples and skin. Kindly consult a doctor if the infection symptoms get out of hand. 


1. Which metals must be avoided when getting your nipples pierced?

Toxic metals like Lead, Chromium, and Cadmium must be avoided. Copper and Tin cause a burning sensation on the skin and most people are also allergic to them, so they too must be avoided. 

Zinc and Iron form toxic compounds (like rust) by reacting with the chemicals in our blood. Hence, they too must be avoided. Nickel is a known carcinogen and induces blood cancer on prolonged contact with our skin. It should strictly be avoided.

2. Which metals are ideal for piercing?

Gold, Silver, and Titanium (especially for men) are ideal for the nipple (and other body parts) piercing. They do not cause any allergic reactions or harmful side effects. 

3. Why do nipple piercings hurt so much during menstrual cycles? 

Menstruation is when a woman’s uterus prepares for a possible pregnancy. It becomes thicker and richer in blood vessels. During this time, a woman’s breasts become larger (as more milk is stored in them) and more delicate. 

Piercing your nipples during this time is not advisable as you will experience a lot more pain and bleeding than at normal times. 

4. Can I change the nipple jewelry on my own? 

Yes, you can, after at least nine months after the initial piercing. Your nipple skin would have become sufficiently reinforced by this time. You must add exactly one drop of water-based lubricants (like Astroglide) to your nipples before changing their jewelry. 

5. How many types of nipple jewelry are there?

You can pierce your nipples with metal rings, straight bars or barbells (metal bars with removable balls at each end).

6. Which celebrities particularly embrace nipple piercing? 

Nipple piercing has been embraced by models like Kendall Jenner, Jackson Lee, and Bella Hadid. The metals used for nipple piercing these days are wafer-thin and some nipple jewelry is very small. So many people won’t even notice that these celeb’s nipples have been pierced if the piercing is done properly by a professional. 


If you have any piercing on your body do let us know your experience in the comment section below !!

Joshua Gabriel
Joshua Gabrielhttps://www.whitedust.net
I left PC-MAG in 2015 and joined WhiteDust Team as a manager and an author. I fascinated by the idea of doing all time blogging and having a dream to become a great entrepreneur in my upcoming days.

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